Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

Concept Map of Monera Kingdom

The Concept Map of Monera Kingdom


Ä  Unicellular (organism which have one cell)
Ä  Prokaryotic (cell which has no nucleus membrane and has no endomembrane system)
Ä  Some have chlorophylls

Ø  Have chlorophyll
Ø  Have chlorophyll
Blue Algae/Chyanophyta
»   The habitat in the ground, stone, wood skin, in fresh water and the sea
»   The habitat in various environment
»   Can eat, is Spirulina
»   The shape
»   Can absorb Nitrogen(N2)
۞      Bacillus
۞      Coccus
۞    Nostoc
۞      Spiral
۞    Gleocapsa
۞      Sarcina
۞    Anabaena
»   Bacteria in everyday life
»   Some blue algae excrete toxin/poison
۞      As decomposer (Acetobacter)

۞      Used in process of making

& Acetate acid (acetobacter)

& Cheese (lactobacillus casei)

& Yoghurt (Streptococcus bulgaricus)

& Nata de coco (acetobacter xylinum)

& V. k in colon (escherecia coli)

& V. B12 (pseudomonas denitrificans)

۞     Can produce antibiotic (streptococcus griceus)

۞     Can bound free nitrogen (rizhobium leguminosorum)

»   Pathogenic Bacteria in humans, animals, and plant.


& TBC (Mycobacterium tubercolosis)

& Lepra (Mycobacterium leprae)

& Typhus (Salmonella typhi)

& Tetanus (Clostridium tetani)

& Antrocks (Saprophytic)

& Choleran (vibrio comma)

»   Aerobic bacteria is bacteria which use free oxygen in their respiration process

»   Anaerobic bacteria is bacteria which do not use free oxygen in the respiration process

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